MAGNETIC HEALTH CARE wraps and magnetic body support have been very popular and effective. The magnet body wraps and body support provide both magnetic therapy and support at the same time at focus point of the body, just right where you need them. Used by many people for pain related conditions, they offer the possibility of pain relief while providing physical support to the joint or area involved.Magnetic body wraps and magnetic body support are used for Pain Relief, Long-term Problems, Short Acute Episodes of Pain, Sports Injuries, Preventative Care. There are several products in the range to cater for different joint and body areas. Most of the magnetic body wraps and magnetic body support are made of lightweight Neoprene that is tough and durable. Fully adjustable, one size will fit most people, using Velcro fastening. Simply place the wrap over the area of discomfort secure the Velcro binding and let the magnets and your body do the rest. Many people that lead active life style are looking for a solution that will have both the benefits of magnetic therapy with the added benefit of securing a part of the body from extreme movement. that will not be a hinder. The magnetic body warps and magnetic body support are most sought after by golfers and other active people who needs just that. Magnetic body wraps and magnetic body support will be an indispensable addition to any golfers equipment.
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SKU: Mag PW Wrap
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